If the nose runs in spring, the cause is not always clear: hay fever or cold, what is behind the symptoms? How you can easily distinguish the clinical pictures. Runny nose, red eyes and cough - typical symptoms of hay fever. But also for normal runny nose, which occurs in the course of a cold . Especially in spring and summer, when the pollen is flying, it is often difficult to see exactly what is causing the symptoms. For those who have been struggling with hay fever for years, this question rarely arises. However, there are also many people whose pollen allergy has not yet been diagnosed. This carries risks: If left untreated, the allergy can “slide down a floor” from the nose to the lungs and bronchi. About 30 percent of patients develop allergic asthma within ten years. What is hay fever? Hay fever is an allergy to pollen, i.e. pollen from plants. Although the pollen is actually harmless, it triggers violent reactions of the immune system in allergy sufferers. Contact wi
Travel with friends can be an incredible experience you’ll remember happily for years. Or it can be a challenging experience that makes you wish you’d traveled solo. As Mark Twain put it, “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” So here’s a list of dos and don’ts to make a trip with friends as easy and argument-free as possible. Avoid the negative side effects that can stem from travel with friends – 1) What does everyone want? This is by FAR the most important thing, and important to discuss before any further planning. Just because you all want to go to Greece doesn’t mean you all want the same thing out of it. Sure you might say “oh the beaches” and “ooo, ruins” but if you’re thinking 90% beaches and 10% ruins, and they’re thinking the opposite, there’s going to be conflict. This happened to me. Some friends and I spent all this time planning our trip to the Netherlands and France, an